JOINING THE RUSH to the Internet is version 3.5 of WordPerfect, which adds support for the World Wide Web to the venerable word processor.
Web Smarts. Topping the list of new features is WordPerfect's newfound Net savvy -- the program can now save files in HTML (the HyperText Markup Language, the lingua franca of the World Wide Web), complete with hypertext links created within WordPerfect. Users create "bookmarks" containing URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and embed them in a document. When that document is converted to HTML, the bookmarks are automatically converted into hypertext links. To let users view their HTML creations, WordPerfect is bundling Netscape Communications' Netscape Navigator Web browser with WordPerfect 3.5.
Term-Paper Boon. Also new to WordPerfect 3.5 is a feature that's sure to be loved by college students everywhere -- Make It Fit, a command that automatically adjusts margins, font size, line height, and spacing in order to make a document fit on a specified number of pages. Other new features include the built-in ability to speak selected passages, using Apple's PlainTalk text-to-speech technology; improved envelope printing; and a Templates menu, which allows instant access to document templates provided by WordPerfect. $189; upgrade, $89. 800-451-5151 or 801-225-5000.